Dear Librarians, Teachers and Special Event Coordinators:

I look forward to coming to your school soon. We've chosen a date, agreed on a schedule and budget, and now it is time to get the students excited about my visit in advance. It would be great if each class had the opportunity to hear Buzz Bumble to the Rescue read aloud to them prior to my visit. For the older grades, it would be good if the students also had a chance to hear at least the first chapter or two of Mermaid Mary Margaret.

Many schools enjoy holding a poster contest in advance of my visit with the themes of "Bee a Reader" (for K-2nd grades)

or a "Dive into Books" (for 3rd-6th grades). The PTA might be able to chip in for a copy of one of Lynn's books as a prize for the best poster in each grade level.

This is a wonderful way to get students involved, and to post positive messages in words and pictures about reading (in the students' own creative ways) up and down the hallways, all over the school!!

Another classroom activity is to ask students to brainstorm what they know about writing books, what they don't know, and what questions they would like to ask me.

Below are some more optional discussion starters, writing prompts, and fun activities for home or school time. I hope you find them useful.

About Buzz Bumble
(To talk about, write about, research or create):

1. What do you know about Bumble Bees? Where can you find out more info?

2. Who do you think gets the most attention in your family--the oldest kids or the youngest kids? Is that fair?

3. What's it like inside a Venus Fly Trap?

4. Have you ever had to rescue your younger brother or sister from an embarrassing or dangerous situation?

5. Has your brother or sister ever rescued you?

6. Do you like to draw or paint, make collages, or 3D models? Try making bees in a garden, a pop up book, a big class mural, or a multi-media model with bees or Venus Fly Traps!

7. Have you ever heard of Ansel Adams? Why is he famous? How about Ansel Antennae?

8. Check out a copy of Buzz Bumble to the Rescue from your school or local library to read before my visit.

About Mermaid Mary Margaret:

1. Mary Margaret is crazy about mermaids. Do you think mermaids and mermen are real or imaginary? Make a life-size mermaid or merman for fun!

2. Would you like to try mermaid cookies or sea life pretzels? Try these recipes.

3. Mary Margaret reads about the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World. Can you name all 7?

4. Mary Margaret has her own personal 7 wonders. Can you make a list of 7 things you wonder about?

5. Mary Margaret loves to travel. Where are 7 places in the world you'd like to travel? Write a story about a real or pretend visit to one of those places. You can also write a pretend postcard. Draw a picture on the back to show what it is like.

6. Mary Margaret is a little crazy about maps, and longitude & latitude, too. Are longitude and latitude lines real or imaginary? What is the longitude and latitude of your hometown? Can you find the equator? The prime meridian? Make a game of writing down some of your favorite longitude and latitude coordinates and see if your friends and family can find those locations on a globe or world map.

7. Go to your school or local library and check out a copy of Mermaid Mary Margaret to read before my visit.

Explore my websites by clicking on the links to your left or at the bottom of this page. Thanks for taking a look.

See you soon!
